Testing platform results

  • Held for moderation
  • Closed

Denys Kondratenko

I tried to perform almost every action the site, sending, replying and forwarding messages worked well, i couldn't send a picture, it shows the error of sending a message on the screen and then stuck on loading until i close the message template
Deleting messages, recovering them and archiving/unarchivng also worked good
Tried to block an address, then send a message there, it came, but landed in spam, like it should, but after opening it in a spam folder it goes to normal message position, after i reload the page, it disappears from there and stays only in spam. Read/Unread messages and give message a star function displays results correctly
Changing interface also working smoothly


Activity Newest / Oldest


Tim B

Status changed to: Closed


Tim B

Thanks for the comments and feedback.
Picture issues should be resolved.
We were unable to reproduce the Spam issue. Please could you double check if this is still an issue?