Intergrate the Hedera Hashgraph Network

Level Up Trading


Would love to see you guys integrate with the Hedera network! hedera.com/

We have a big community that would love to communicate with each other through web3!

Just an example, imagine the NFT space, I see a nice NFT owned by wallet ID 0.0.XXXXXX, but it isn't listed for sale! Thanks to Mailchain, I would be able to send that wallet ID an email asking if the user is interested in selling it!

Your dApp could also be added into the dApp list of the biggest wallet, HashPack, where users could very easily open Mailchain within their wallet, and communicate with others! www.hashpack.app/

I hope you guys get in touch with HashPack and the Hedera Community to put this in place!

Thanks you for listening to me feature request.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Tim B

Status changed to: Under review


Tim B

Thank you for sharing your suggestion.